Fishing ponds in Holland
There are some 40 commercial fishing ponds spread out over the Netherlands. After paying a fee, you’re free to angle here for a day – the VISpas does not apply here. The owner typically charges 15 to 20 euros a day.
There are trout ponds, carp ponds and even ponds with sturgeon (strong fish growing up to 50 kg!) and catfish.
Trout ponds
Most ponds have a so-called ‘put & take’ system: a number of trout – mostly rainbow trout – are released for each visitor and whatever you catch you can take home. There are also ‘catch & release’ trout ponds – these are perfect for fly fishing. Some of these ponds harbour specimen rainbow trout that will put up a fierce fight when using a light fly rod. There are also pond complexes, where you may choose any of a number of ponds.
A day out fishing at a commercial fishing pond is very accessible and fun for everybody, the kids will love it too. Most ponds also sell food and drinks to enjoy with the fishing.
Check the various ponds and be inspired by the possibilities!