
VISpas Hotspots: het Twiske (Noord-Holland)

Het Twiske is a nature reserve and recreational area to the north of Amsterdam. It comprises a large, deep lake combined with many shallow ponds, creeks and ditches. With such diversity, this area has something for everyone: coarse fishing, fishing for predatory fish and carp fishing.
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Vispas hotspots: Oude IJssel (Gelderland)

The Oude IJssel is a river in the Achterhoek region. This tributary to the river IJssel meanders more than 70 kilometres from Germany through the province of Gelderland, towards Doesburg. The diverse fish stocks and wonderful surroundings attract anglers from far and wide.
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2024 fine amounts

Prosecution Service has announced the fine amounts for 2024. The amounts relating to inland fishing, which includes anglers, are almost the same as last year. However, the penalty fees are not cheap, so make sure you avoid a fine when you’re fishing.
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VISpas Hotspots: Tjonger (Friesland)

The Tjonger is a river in the south of Friesland that flows more than 40 kilometres from high, forested ground to lower moorland areas. There are quite a few easily accessible spots along the banks of this stretch of river. In addition to enjoying a varied landscape, restful surroundings and space, anglers of coarse fish, predatory fish and carp will have the chance of a good catch.
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Fishing in Holland-map: Accommodations and fishing guides

If you’re planning on angling in the Netherlands, then you probably want to stay as close to the water as possible so you don’t have to travel too far to your fishing spot. In addition, a fishing guide can help you catch the necessary beautiful fish in a limited time. The Fishing in Holland map gives you a handy overview.
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Closed season: what’s the deal? (video)

When fishing in the Netherlands you have to take into account a number of closed seasons. For example, there is the closed season for certain types of bait and the closed season for certain fish species. Especially for pike, zander and perch this sometimes gives rise to confusion. In this video we will explain the deal on the different closed seasons.
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