Where am I allowed to angle with my VISpas?

With your VISpas you’re allowed to cast a line in over 90% of the Dutch surface waters. All of these waters are listed in the accompanying “Gezamenlijke lijst van Nederlandse viswateren” (Joint list of Dutch fishing waters), the booklet.

Always make sure to bring the List of the location you’re fishing at, otherwise your VISpas is invalid. This is a legal requirement that comes with any kind of fishing permit. It is also legally valid to have the VISplanner with you instead of the booklet. 
Watch the video below to get a tutorial on how to use the VISplanner:


The VISplanner was specially developed for you, the angler, so that you can find out in an instant where you’re allowed to angle with your VISpas. The VISplanner is freely available as an app for iOS and Android and as a website and a mobile site.

Together with your VISpas the VISplanner App constitutes a legal permit to angle at a certain spot. This way you can prove with your smartphone that you are allowed to angle at a particular water in case you’re checked by the police. The VISplanner very accurately indicates on the map where you are allowed to angle and it is always up-to-date.

VISplanner app

Before you go fishing somewhere, always check the VISplanner to see whether with your VISpas you’re allowed to cast a line at a particular spot. You will also immediately see which rules apply at that spot. When you open the app, the most recent data will be loaded. This goes fastest with Wi-Fi. First enter your VISpas registration number and then enter the nearest town/city, or use the GPS-location of your smartphone.

The VISplanner has a legend with three colours. The dark blue colour indicates that you’re allowed to angle there with your VISpas. Orange waters indicate that you need a VISpas of a different angling association. When you click on that specific water you’ll see which anglers association’s it is, as well as any applicable conditions. Light blue waters are not included in the VISpas.

VISplanner app

After moving the map, click REFRESH and you will once again be able to see where you’re allowed to fish and where you’re not. The App also functions without an internet connection, however you will not see a map, but a list of names of waters that you can go through. By selecting a body of water, you’ll be shown information on that particular water.

In short: always bring your VISpas and the VISplanner when you go fishing.

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